Role and self-image

Role and self-image
The police are a key guarantor of internal security and, as the bearer of the monopoly on the use of force, are subject to comprehensive public control
Ministry of the Interior of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia

The police are a key guarantor of internal security and, as the bearer of the monopoly on the use of force, are subject to comprehensive public control. Their tasks and competencies are regulated by law. Nevertheless, the police are taking a close look at their role and self-image.

This is necessary and important because: Around 50,000 people are employed in the police force in North Rhine-Westphalia. They all have their own personal values and self-image. When they join the police force, these people do not "automatically" adopt the values and goals that the police stand for both internally and externally. This is why the role and self-image of the police must be communicated. This gives employees security and orientation for their behavior towards the population and in their cooperation with each other.

Law and order are formative for the role and self-image of the North Rhine-Westphalian police: it respects human dignity, protects the existence of the state and its ability to function and the fundamental rights of individuals. The police are guided by the citizens' sense of security and expectations. They know that security problems can often only be solved together with them.

Two examples of how they see themselves: At a demonstration, the police remain neutral in terms of the subject matter. They have the task of ensuring that the demonstration proceeds peacefully. Organizers and participants should be able to represent their concerns undisturbed. Counter-demonstrations should take place without confrontation and the population (e.g. residents, road users) should be disturbed as little as possible. This is why the police inform the public and coordinate with the organizers as best as possible. This makes the police's actions comprehensible and helps to prevent violations of the law in advance. If crimes are nevertheless committed, the police take consistent action against them.

Local security problems can often only be solved if various institutions work closely together. The police play an active role in this. This can be seen in connection with crime prevention councils and public order partnerships in towns and municipalities. In many cases, it brings together those responsible from politics, business and administration in joint committees and contributes to the solution itself.

The role and the outward-looking self-image must also prove itself internally. Open, trusting and reliable interaction with one another is the basis for successful teamwork. This can be vital in individual cases, as you have to be able to rely on each other in critical operations.

Changes in society and new requirements regularly lead to the role and self-image of the police being rethought and adapted.

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110