Organization, leadership and ethics
Clear responsibilities, good leadership and a strong focus on values are among the cornerstones of successful police work in NRW.
Effective work requires clear responsibilities.
Die Führungsstrategie der Polizei Nordrhein-Westfalen jetzt auch als Hörbuch – Es gibt was zu hören. Denn wem die Zeit zum Lesen schlichtweg fehlt, der kann die neue Rahmenkonzeption „Verantwortliche Wahrnehmung von Führung in der Polizei Nordrhein-Westfalen“ einfach hören. Sie möchten mehr Details ...
Minister Reul: "Good leadership must not be a coincidence."
The state has the task of ensuring internal security. The police are primarily responsible for this. However, they can only successfully shape internal security if they share responsibility with politicians, society and citizens. Interior Minister Herbert Reul, State Secretary Jürgen Mathies, Police...
For the new Head of Police Department 4 at the Ministry of the Interior, Gerrit Weber, the police must embody 5 x D - remain democratically resilient, assertive and service-oriented, as well as becoming more diverse and digital.
Michael Schemke has taken up his new post as Inspector of Police. Since then, he has been at the head of the approximately 30,000 uniformed police officers in the country.
Peter Mosch has been State Director of Criminal Investigation at the Ministry of the Interior since May. The 57-year-old is responsible for the entire professional breadth and depth of the criminal investigation department.
Maria del Carmen Fernandez Mendez knows a thing or two about traffic on North Rhine-Westphalia's roads - from her own experience. She has been a traffic officer at the Ministry of the Interior since February, having previously held the post on a temporary basis for several months.
A decade ago, the State Office for Training, Further Training and Personnel Affairs (LAFP) of the North Rhine-Westphalia Police in Selm created a unique place to learn about professional ethics by setting up the "Grenzgang". There is great interest in the concept. The desire to try something similar...
Minister Reul: "Every police officer has to deal with this at some point. Because you don't just put this job down when you finish work. "
Police authorities now have officers for extremism
Interior Minister writes letter to all employees of the North Rhine-Westphalia police force
Police officers from North Rhine-Westphalia visit the Steinwache Nazi memorial in Dortmund, where the Gestapo imprisoned and tortured people 80 years ago.
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