Consolation donations
Warning about grandchild fraudsters
Police advise vigilance

A number of unknown people have tried to defraud their victims with the so-called "grandchildren trick".

The scam is identical in all cases. An alleged relative pretends by telephone that they urgently need cash. As he is nearby, he could come round immediately and collect the money, on loan of course.

Although the people called so far have not been the victims of a crime, the police are using these incidents as an opportunity to issue further warnings about the activities of the perpetrators, who are difficult to identify.

Grandchild fraudsters are active nationwide. They are extremely skilled at deception and trickery.

The police advise: - Be mistrustful even on the phone. - Do not allow yourself to be put under pressure. - Simply hang up if you are asked for money. - Do not reveal any details of your family or financial circumstances. - never hand over money to people you do not know. - Consult relatives or friends immediately. - Inform the police by calling emergency number 110.

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110